Let's connect

Journal entries


We don't have the answers just lots of questions. 

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(Last Sunday of every Month 4pm-5pm.)

To those who put everyone else first... mindset Jul 05, 2024

To those who put everyone else first…

Firstly, even though you’ve never asked for it, I’ll start with what you deserve. A huge thank you! Your people do appreciate all the invisible work you put in even if they forget to say it. 

Secondly, I see you. No matter how hard you...

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To all the strong ones... Jul 04, 2024

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should have to. 

Just because you don’t look like you’re struggling doesn’t mean you don’t deserve support. 

Just because you’re resilient doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a breather. 

Just because...

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Are we still resilient if we cry through it? Jun 21, 2024

Historically resilience has been defined by grit, determination and stoicism. But is there a flip side to this coin? The stiff upper lip in response to tough love is one way to build resilience. Perhaps, it is also a way to cultivate escape strategies from a painful reality or deny your emotional...

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To those going through big changes... Jun 07, 2024

Transition phases are my least favourite. It’s these times where trust and patience are truly tested. We hardly ever admit, celebrate or share in the messiness. Is it because we are busy doing our best to ride through the overwhelming waves of uncertainty? Is it because we all prefer a...

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