Let's connect

Journal entries


We don't have the answers just lots of questions. 

We'd love to hear your thoughts at our FREE connect club. 

(Last Sunday of every Month 4pm-5pm.)

To the quiet ones… Sep 02, 2024

Just because they can’t hear you doesn’t mean I don’t see you. Just because you manage on your own doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to have your hand held. Just because others have it worse doesn’t make your suffering hurt any less.

There’s one...

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To the leaders in our lives... Aug 17, 2024

I'm talking to the ones leading their families, communities or even their workplaces. To the ones who persistently work hard without complaining. To the ones who sacrifice their free time to provide for those around them. To the ones who far too often feel under appreciated. We see you, we need...

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To our high achievers.... Aug 03, 2024

You are our life olympians. Whether your chosen sport is parenting, career focused or athletic, in all likelihood you strive for perfection across it all. Did you gift yourself the recovery you deserve this week? Regardless, I guarantee you’ve overcome some less than easy days. Perhaps,...

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To the men in our lives... ease the tension Jul 19, 2024
Something surprising Zephyr Movement taught me is, women seek help when they feel there is an issue. Whereas, men seek help when their partner's tell them there is an issue.
The stereotype is men do activities together and women will talk. I think about the men in my life they are...
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