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To those who put everyone else first...

mindset Jul 05, 2024

To those who put everyone else first…

Firstly, even though you’ve never asked for it, I’ll start with what you deserve. A huge thank you! Your people do appreciate all the invisible work you put in even if they forget to say it. 

Secondly, I see you. No matter how hard you try to fade into the background, you matter. You are the hard workers, the quiet achievers, the ones who keep lives’ functioning. 

Just because you’ve always been the reliable one, doesn’t mean you have to keep it together all the time. Just because you can put aside your feelings when others need you, doesn’t mean you always should have to. Just because you don’t make a big deal about it, doesn’t mean you’re not still dealing with some really hard things. 

Thirdly, resting won’t make you lazy or any less productive. Even the most determined athlete needs time for recovery. And before you say you don’t have time (because you’re so busy taking care of everyone), I’d hazard a guess that at the very least you deserve a moment of pause. 

So before you go back to looking after everyone else, pause for a moment to ask yourself what you need right now? Is it, rest? Are you exhausted? If you are, I created an eBook just for us. It is a condensed version of the Ease Into Rest guided support program. This eBook breaks down resting into:

  1. Protection
  2. Presence and 
  3. Processing. 

All crucial to making rest feel more accessible and even creating more opportunities for rest right now, amongst all you’re already doing. Hope this helps.


Yours in Gentleness,

P.S: If that little voice in your head replied with, support, our Ease into Rest guided support program is now open with limited spots available. Click here to join.

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