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To all the strong ones...

Jul 04, 2024

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should have to. 

Just because you don’t look like you’re struggling doesn’t mean you don’t deserve support. 

Just because you’re resilient doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a breather. 

Just because they don’t see your pain doesn’t mean it isn’t 110% real and so very hard to carry.


I see you. I know you’re tough. You do it every damn day. That tough voice in your head won’t have it any other way. The same one has served you well. Look at the life it has gifted you. But just because it worked doesn’t mean there’s not another way. 


You are an expert in the doing. But perhaps it is time to see the value in the being?

I’ll bet you’re tired from coping and keeping it all together.

It’s time to give yourself permission to rest or at least learn how to. 

You didn’t have to but you have earnt it. You’ve always deserved it. 

And when you’re ready, we’ll be waiting. Zephyr Movement is your soft place to land and learn about the gift gentleness has to offer. To learn more click here and if you’re ready, check out our current offerings

We know you’ve got this and that you deserve support whilst you’re doing the damn thing.

In gentleness,

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