Let's connect

To the men in our lives...

ease the tension Jul 19, 2024
Something surprising Zephyr Movement taught me is, women seek help when they feel there is an issue. Whereas, men seek help when their partner's tell them there is an issue.
The stereotype is men do activities together and women will talk. I think about the men in my life they are always playing tennis, golfing or drinking with their mates. Whereas, me and my women, we talk for hours.
Does this leave the emotional growth and wellbeing for men largely on their own or with their partners? It is my experience, men are just as emotionally open and insightful as women when asked the right questions. What if the want is there but the skills aren't? Society is shifting, it ain't weak to speak and what about the men who grew up in a different time.
I am attempting to create a safe space for men to explore within an analogy most of them do understand... Engines. So if you're partner or you are more comfortable talking about machines than feelings maybe our FREE webinar: Ease the Tension, is just what your family is needing...click here for more. 
In Kindness,
P.S: FREE journal club is on 28th July at 4pm if you missed last month :)

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