Does the fear of being misunderstood stop you from asking for help?
Sep 13, 2024
The reality is no one will understand you quite like you do. You are the only one who has experienced every single little thing that makes you, well, you. No one else has been there every step of the way. The challenge is seeing yourself and your experiences objectively. It’s hard to see the big picture when you're standing in the middle of the everyday chaos. So we consider reaching out for help.
The problem is the pain of being misunderstood often stands in the way. It can be preferable to stumble through your pain alone rather than pile onto it with unhelpful advice, critiques and unwanted feedback. The truth is the road to wellbeing can be rough.
Not feeling heard and/or understood is often at the core and the very process meant to help can actually perpetuate this. So called experts tell us what we’re feeling or how it doesn’t match their models, diagnostic boxes or education. Do you also feel like you’re speaking a different language? That there’s no point reaching out because asking for help is hard but not receiving the help you desire is even harder?
This is why I created my Ease Series. It’s self paced. You can learn about you in your own pace. There are no rights or wrongs in this series because it’s simply your experience. It’s about trying to sort through the overwhelm and come back to what is yours and how to build long term tools to always find the road back.
If you're exhausted, need support and simply want to feel heard perhaps this is for you? In our comprehensive offering, we get three sessions together where I will do my best to really listen, to give you the breathing room to make sense of things for yourself. Our mini modules offer different avenues of self discovery through the body and how we communicate. Try new resources and see what works or doesn’t for you. We currently have 12 spots open click here to claim yours.
I want to change the narrative if you are the expert in yourself than it seems the process should be led by building trust with what you feel and know about your system. Hope to see you soon.
In kindness,
P.S: Today’s blog features our gentle strength design from our new Etsy shop. It was actually inspired by my sister who has a floristry business (Enamoured Soul) based on the language of flowers. This image is based on a dahlia the symbol of inner strength.
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